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A Signage application, to turn your raspberry pi into a digital picture frame, advertising board or anything you might want to dream of


Clone and run for a quick way to display images in a slider.

This application is build to have a simple go to when building signage based on Raspberry Pi. I made this as a Christmas present for my granny.

The idea is, you put some images on some sftp server and the pi runs a kiosk mode app to display them.

Periodically it will try to sync images from remote to local.

What can it do as of latest release

How To Use

To use this app you will need Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
git clone
# Go into the repository
cd signage

Edit the env.js or create a file like below:

module.exports = {
    env: {

        LOCAL_FOLDER: 'img', // Folder where images are stored
        REMOTE_FOLDER: '/', // Folder where images should be found on the server
        SFTP_PROVIDER: '', // SFTP Host
        SFTP_PORT: 22, // Port of the SFTP server
        SFTP_USER: 'sftp_user', // SFTP user 
        SFTP_PASSWORD: 'sftp_password', // SFTP password
        ENABLE_KIOSK: false, // should the application switch into Kiosk mode aka full screen after loading
        REFRESH_INTERVAL: 10000 // how often shall the SFTP server be polled for updates, in milliseconds


Almost there just run the following:

# Install dependencies
npm install
# Run the app
npm start

Note: I really didnt bother too much with this as it is almost Christmas. I see however that there is a range of use cases that could easily be implemented. Additionally I also am fully aware that you can package electron apps into binaries. Yeah you got me I was lazy ;)